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Celebrating Learning Disability Week with Echo


Updated: Nov 24, 2024

We had such a great week with Echo participants in Leominster this week. Kicking off with a morning at Clever Betsy, chatting and looking at all the craft projects undertaken. Quantities of cake may have been consumed!

We returned in the evening for an accessible trail on Aida's Amble through a sunny Leominster in memory of three greatly missed Echo participants. As a fitting tribute to them, we finished with fish and chips and lots of chat on the Grange.

Echo at Eaton Barns was a sunny, and ANOTHER delicious cake opportunity! Great plants for sale, treasure hunt, raffle and a wood turning demonstration with a chance to have a go.

Pictures shows a toy chicken in a plant pot. This was part of a clue in a treaure hunt.
Treasure hunt

We enjoyed meeting new friends and old and, as always, enjoyed the sense of community, support and collaboration Echo inspires in all.

We were reminded that Open Days are

great opportunities to make new acquaintances and supporters. A visitor said "I would love to vounteer here (Eaton Barns) as it has such a lovely feel to it...its just up my street. Ive often wondered what it was like and now I know."

Picture shows a lady seated at a lathe in a woodland shelter and a man working next to her at a wood turner. Making wooden chair legs
Wood turning

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